Welcome to Venture by ALU.

An online course for entrepreneurs.

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Venture Course Outline

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Section 1: Start

The first section of the course covers the outline, and tips for consuming the content

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Section 2: Think

In the second section, we feature responses to questions about the entrepreneurial mindset

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Section 3: Launch

In section three we asked the entrepreneurs to reflect on the early stages of their journey

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Section 4: Grow

Section four is all taking your venture past the start-up stage, and scaling to the next level

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Unlock the Course

If you're interested in starting Venture by ALU, then use the button below to register.

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Login to the Course

If you've already registered for Venture, then use this link to log in and continue.

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If you have any questions about this course, or anything else, please reach out to us here.

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Use the link below to register for the course.

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